Major drivers of global change include population growth and migration, climate change, urbanization and expansion of infrastructures, and changes in land use and pollution. Western Mediterranean countries of both southern Europe and North Africa are expected to experience impacts on the sustainability, quantity, quality, and management of water resources.
Future scenarios in this region forecast the decline in streamflow reducing reservoir storage for population supply. In this context, groundwater becomes an increasingly strategic resource to meet water demand from irrigated and urban areas. Particularly, coastal areas are threatened by the increasing stress during summer and drought periods causing groundwater depletion and saline water intrusion.
Dealing with this situation makes necessary to address regional needs through global coordination, so the IAH and IHP-UNESCO recommend facilitating the country/regional groundwater assessment and exchange of information via seminars, workshops and conferences, like the one that is presented here. These aspects are in connection with the Declaration on Groundwater in the Mediterranean (Malaga-Marrakech, 2006), and consequently IAH National Chapters from Western Mediterranean countries organize this congress on Groundwater and Global Change.
Granada is a city that will captivate all your senses: your sense of sight with its impressive monuments such as the Alhambra, the Cathedral and the stunning landscapes seen from the viewpoint of San Nicolás; your sense of smell with its jasmine blossom scented streets in the Albaicín district; your sense of hearing with the flamenco celebrations of the Sacromonte; your sense of touch when you cast your hand over the ancient stones of the buildings; your sense of taste when you try the delicious local dishes. Granada is a city of kings, which has to be experienced.
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de la Universidad de Granada
Calle Dr. Severo Ochoa s/n, 18001 Granada
Congress information
All accepted abstracts will be published as an electronic book of proceedings with ISBN. In addition, a special issue with a selection of the manuscripts will be published in one international journal.
Several social events are planned: a nocturnal visit to the Alhambra, a conference dinner, poster sessions with refreshments and a technical field trip. Details will be specified in the next circulars.
The official languages of the Congress are English, Spanish and French. No simultaneous traslation will be provided by the organization.
- Impact of growing population and land use change on groundwater resources and wetlands.
- Monitoring and modelling approaches for evaluating changes in groundwater quality, storage and fluxes.
- Groundwater and climate change.
- Protection and sustainable use of groundwater quantity and quality.
- Water management challenges and case studies in Mediterranean coastal aquifers.
- Technical and innovative solutions and groundwater management for adaptation to climate change.
- Plenary sessions with keynote lectures.
- Technical sessions.
- Poster sessions.
- Technical field trip.
- Special session in honor to Professor Antonio Pulido-Bosch.
- Social events.
More information
For questions and more information about the congress, please write to the following email address: gwmedchange@ugr.es
María Luisa Calvache – Congress Chair
Antonio Chambel – President of IAH
Marco Petitta – Vice President of IAH – Europe (West and Central)
Bartolomé Andreo – President of Spanish IAH Chapter
Ammar Maoui – Head of the Algerian Group
Michel Bakalowicz – President of French IAH Chapter
Bouabid El Mansouri– President of Moroccan IAH Chapter
Daniela Ducci – President of Italian IAH Chapter
Raquel Sousa – President of Portuguese IAH Chapter
Fatenlarraya Horriche – President of Tunisian IAH Chapter
José Benavente – University of Granada
María Luisa Calvache – University of Granada
Fernando Delgado – University of Granada
Carlos Duque – University of Delaware, USA
Juan José Durán – Spanish Geological Survey
Francisco Javier García – Provincial Government of Granada
Antonio González-Ramón – Spanish Geological Survey
Manuel López-Chicano – University of Granada
Manuel López-Rodríguez – Regional Government, Junta de Andalucía
David Pulido – Spanish Geological Survey
Sergio Martos – Spanish Geological Survey
Joaquín Navarro – Guadalquivir Basin Authority
Delegate of Granada Town Hall / Water Supply S.
Scientific COMMITTEE
Boudoukha Abderrahmane – Université de Batna, Algeria
Carlos Costa Almeida – Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Bartolomé Andreo – Universidad de Málaga, Spain
José Miguel Andreu Rodes – Universidad de Alicante, Spain
Alice Aureli – UNESCO
Michel Bakalowicz – Université de Montpelier, France
Lahcen Benaabidate – University Moulay Abdellah, Fes, Morocco
José Benavente Herrera – Universidad de Granada, Spain
Abderrazak Bouanani – Universite de Tlemcen, Algeria
Rachida Bouhlila – Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs, Tunisia
Irene Bustamante Gutiérrez – Universidad de Alcalá, Spain
María Luisa Calvache Quesada – Universidad de Granada, Spain
María del Carmen Cabrera Santana – Universidad de LPGC, Spain
Lucila Candela Lledó – Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Spain
Fernando Delgado – Universidad de Granada, Spain
Daniela Ducci – Università dei Napoli, Italy
Carlos Duque Calvache – University of Delaware
Bouabid El Mansouri – University Ibn Tofail, Kénitra, Morocco
Jamal Eddine Stitou El Messari – University Abdelmalek Essaadi, Tétouan , Morocco
Francisco Javier Elorza Tenreiro – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Paolo Fabbri – Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy
Ahmed Fekri – University HassanII, Ain Chok, Casablanca , Morocco
José Luis García Aróstegui – IGME, Spain
Antonio González Ramón – IGME, Spain
Fadoua Hamzaoui – Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Tunisia
Lahoucine Hanich – University Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco
María del Carmen Hidalgo Estévez – Universidad de Jaén, Spain
Faten Jarraya Horriche – Centre de Recherches et des Technologies des Eaux, Tunisia
Slimane Kachi – Université de Guelma, Algeria
Manuel López Chicano – Universidad de Granada, Spain
Manuel López Chicano – Universidad de Granada, Spain
Gil Mahé – Université de Montpellier II, France
Marisol Manzano Arellano – Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain
Ammar Maoui – Université de Guelma , Algeria
Jean-Christophe Maréchal – BRGM Montpellier, France
Wenceslao Martín Rosales – Universidad de Granada, Spain
Jose Martins Carvalho – ISE do Porto, Portugal
Sergio Martos – IGME, Spain
Marco Masetti – Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Nicolas Masséi – Université Rouen, France
Rosario Melo da Costa – Univ. de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
Redha Menani – Université de Batna, Algeria
Ignacio Morell Evangelista – Universitat Jaume I, Spain
Jacques Mudry – Université Franche Compté, France
Manuel Oliveira – Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Portugal
Marco Petitta – Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Vincenzo Piscopo – Università Tuscia di Viterbo, Italy
Séverin Pistre – Université de Montpellier II, France
Maurizio Polemio – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy
Antonio Pulido Bosch – Universidad de Almería, Spain
David Pulido Velázquez – IGME, Spain
Miguel Rodríguez Rodríguez – Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Spain
Juan Carlos Rubio Campos – IGME, Spain
Jesús Sánchez Vizcaíno – Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Fairouz Slama – Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tunis, Tunisia
Raquel Sousa – Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Iñaki Vadillo Pérez – Universidad de Málaga, Spain
Fermín Villarroya – Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Mounira Zammouri – Université de Tunis, Tunisia